
Survivor Outreach Source

In June, 2022, the documentary film Leave No Trace premiered at Tribeca Film Festival and is now screening on Hulu. This groundbreaking film features several survivors of childhood sexual abuse whose stories helped unravel a century-long coverup of pedophiles circulating in the ranks of the Boy Scouts of America. Many of the film's subjects had never shared what happened to them and had never met another survivor before participating in Leave No Trace. Treehouse Project is now focused on providing support for survivors with healing and empowerment resources as they move from the private space of their trauma, to one where they feel connected to other members of the survivor community.

The Accessibility Lab

A pragmatic initiative to elevate deaf and blind audiences’ access to and participation in theatrical independent film. While personal captioning (for hearing-impaired audiences) and audio description (for vision- impaired audiences) have been impactful accessories in major theatre chains and on streaming platforms, these technologies have largely leapfrogged film festivals and touring programs -- the venues where our society’s most pressing and daring films are curated and find their first audiences.

The Accessibility Lab will also cultivate accessibility as an artistic tool for filmmakers, and provide them financial and practical support to create captions and audio description. We will also work with festivals to showcase films with accessibility assets, integrate accessibility hardware, and to customize best practices for sustainable engagement with more inclusive audiences.

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